Template Features

Section 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse fermentum volutpat tristique. Nulla facilisi. Pellentesque at tincidunt turpis. Aliquam malesuada aliquam dictum. Aliquam eu dui pulvinar felis efficitur molestie. Aenean ornare augue ac sapien porttitor fringilla.

Section 2

Nunc lacinia diam velit, at faucibus nisi ultrices vitae. Maecenas aliquam eleifend tempus. Praesent venenatis odio vitae orci varius vestibulum. Nam tellus est, finibus id quam eget, pellentesque ornare ligula. Mauris elementum et libero at pellentesque. Praesent ligula erat, malesuada sit amet tortor id, mattis vestibulum risus. Etiam pellentesque iaculis leo, sit amet dictum nisl. Etiam tincidunt vitae magna eget imperdiet. Sed erat felis, dictum a eros eget, tempus commodo risus. Sed eget sapien in mauris ullamcorper viverra.

Heading 3

In a Page, Blog List, Events List, Product List, or Album page, you can create a large banner in Settings (in Site Manager). Just upload a Thumbnail Image, and add your text to the Description field.

  • Bolded text will become a Headline
  • Links on the last line will become Buttons


Heading 3

If you want a large banner slideshow on Page Collections, you can place a Gallery Block at the very top of the Page, before all other blocks.

  • Gallery Block must be set to slideshow mode
  • As with Page Banner, putting bolded text or links in the description for each gallery slide will create Headlines and Buttons


Blog Featured Slideshow

Created a slideshow of Featured Posts in Blog List view by featuring individual posts. Your five most recent Featured Posts will automatically be placed into a slideshow at the top of the Blog List.


Blog Item Banner

In a blog post’s Item View, the post’s thumbnail will automatically be placed into a banner at the top of the page, along with the post’s title and your chosen meta info.


Simple Image Banner

Don’t want a fancy header with words and buttons? Just upload a thumbnail in Page, Blog List, Events, Product List, or Album, and it will be displayed in a thin strip along the top of the page.


No Banner Area

If you don’t want to use the banner at all, simply don’t upload a thumbnail, and it will not display.


Section 3

Bedford features sidebars that appears in several situations:

  • Folder Navigation, on the left of any Page inside a Folder
  • Category Navigation, on on the left any Product List with categories
  • Blog Sidebar, on the right side of Blog pages

You can choose to show the title of the Folder or Product collection. If you don’t want to show the sidebars, you can choose to hide them entirely with a Style Editor option.

Section 4

Header Background Color – Change the background color of the header bar at the top of the page.

Site Title Font + Color – If no logo image is uploaded, set the typeface, font properties, and color of the Site Title.

Transparent Header – If a banner image of any sort is uploaded on a particular page, the header background will become transparent. Pages without banner images will keep the Header Background Color, as will folder dropdowns.

Logo Container Width – Set the width of the logo container, effectively changing the size of the logo. If the logo container is smaller than the size of the uploaded logo image, the logo image will shrink, but if the logo container is larger, the logo will not become larger than the uploaded image. The nav will take up the rest of the space to the right of the logo container.

Site Title Container Width – Set the width of the site title container. This effectively allows control over the wrapping of the site title.

Site Navigation

Banner Section

Banner Overlay Color – Set a color to be overlaid over images on banners.

Banner Heading Font + Color – Set the typeface, font properties, and color of the headings in banners.

Banner Text Font + Color – Set the typeface, font properties, and color of the body text in banners.

Banner Button Style – Select between solid, outline, and raised buttons.

Event List Date – Show the full event date (day, month, year) of the event on the list view.

Event List Time – Show the time range (start time-end time) of the event on the list view.

Event List Address – Show the event location address when present.

Event iCal/gCal Links – Show links to add events to Apple or Google calendars.

Event Like and Share Buttons – Show Squarespace simple like and share buttons on events.

Event List Compact View – Enable a simple stacked view of events in the list view.

Event Calendar Compact View – Enable a simpler calendar view optimized for smaller areas

Banner Button Corner Style – Select between squared corners, rounded corners, or a "pill" shaped button.

Banner Button Color – Set the background color of the button (outline and text color if "outline" button style is selected).

Banner Button Font + Color – Set the typeface, font properties, and colors of the banner button.

Gallery Navigation – Determines the type of gallery image navigation is provided on the page.

Gallery Info Overlay – Select the type of display used for image title and caption.

Gallery Aspect Ratio – Controls the aspect ratio (width:height) for the gallery active slide.

Gallery Arrow Style – Determines the style of the arrows used to cycle through the slides.

Gallery Transitions – select the transition styles used to animate between slides being viewed.

Gallery Show Arrows – choose to use arrows for cycling through slides.

Gallery Auto Crop – choose to auto crop slide images to the selected ratio.

Gallery Autoplay – choose to cycle gallery images automatically without user interaction.

Gallery Loop – Enable a gallery to cycle through to the first slide after the last slide.

Gallery Autoplay Speed –Specify the speed at which the gallery pauses on the active slide.

Gallery Thumbnail Size – Control the height of thumbnail images when used for gallery navigation.

Gallery Arrow Background – Specify the color that is used for the shape of gallery arrows.

Gallery Arrow Color – Specify the color that is used for the arrow itself.

Gallery Circle Color – Specify the color that is used for the circle shape gallery arrows.

Gallery Info Background – Specify the color used in the background of the image title and caption.